On board medical emergency situations require aircrew to act decisively in order to treat an injured or ill, conscious,
or unconscious passenger or crew member.

Crew members are therefore required to have an in-depth knowledge of what to do until the aircraft has landed, then apply that knowledge by giving the correct treatment in a timely manner, giving the casualty the best chances to survive.

Our first aid training courses are delivered in line with the EASA and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines and can be delivered as part of your initial or recurrent training.

Most in-flight ‘incidents’ that flight attendants deal with throughout their flying careers, will involve an illness to a passenger/client/colleague, rather than an aircraft technical emergency requiring the evacuation of the passengers.

Therefore, to enhance the knowledge and professionalism of your air crew and flight attendant careers, it’s imperative that high quality first aid training becomes an integral part of your training programme.

Aviation first aid
Career services

The following modules are covered during the course:

The journey starts here

If you are interested in more information about our services, please fill out the form below or email us with your questions or inquiries.

We will be delighted to assist you with any requests.

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